About Us

Born Keen started out as a idea to create a media outlet for Australian downhill and freeestyle skating.

My name is Aidan McCorry, I started Born Keen in November 2021 and I have been skating for around 2-3 years.

I originally wanted to create a page for my skate photography as I have always taken photos and videos whenever I was at a skate session. Skating has been a passion of mine for quite some time now and its almost become my mission to share as mush as I can about skating to as many people as I can. 

My goal now is to help promote the sport but also tell the stories of the people that make up the fabric of the skating community. Far and wide its the community and events that bring people together.

Downhill, Freeride, Dancing or Freestyle skating is more then just some local skaters getting together. As much as that is apart of what we do, its also one of the most open community’s towards others. Worldwide, we are all connected to the same three things. 

Longboard, Trucks and Wheels.

No matter where you go in the world, if you meet another skater, chances are you will be skating together within no time, its a sense of community that I hope to promote through this brand and help downhill skateboarding reach a bigger audience not just in Australia, but around the world.

We hope you can join us on this journey and where ever you are around the world, stay keen and keep skating.


April 2022